Ruth has the Buyers!
Ruth has over 2200 Buyers in her database.  Ruth may already have the Buyer for Your Home. 
They are READY To BUY NOW!
To Discuss how Ruth can Sell Your Home Fast and for Top Dollar
Call Ruth Ballantyne NOW at 416-779-8732
Your Home SOLD at a Price Acceptable to You
GUARANTEED or Ruth will Buy It!*

* Ruth Ballantyne and Seller must agree on Price and terms at time of listing
  • Ruth GUARANTEEs,  in writing, that your home will sell at a Price Acceptable to You or Ruth will Buy It! *  No Gimmicks. 
  • Ruth Sells Homes for More $$$ . . . Ruth and her Buyer System Sell Homes for Top Dollar!
  • Faster Sales . . . Ruth’s homes  sell 10% faster.
  • Ruth has the Buyers . . .Ruth has over 2,200 Buyers in her database.  Ruth may already have a Buyer for Your Home Right Now!
  • Your Home is More Likely to Sell with Ruth

While Every agent will promise to sell your home . . . Ruth Guarantees it!